Defra Veterinary Laboratories Agency - A Source for Wildlife Disease Surveillance Reports for the United Kingdom
As an executive agency of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) is an internationally recognized laboratory that delivers research, surveillance and laboratory services for animal and public health.The VLA has partnered with the following organizations, the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC), Institute of Zoology (IoZ) and the Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA) to create the GB Wildlife Surveillance Partnership. A valuable product of this collaboration is the publication of the GB Wildlife Disease Surveillance Partnership Quarterly Reports, which can be found here.
April - June 2009, Volume 11.1:
- Notificable Disease
- Zoonotic Disease
- Emerging and Endemic Diseases
- Biodiversity Action Plan Mammal Species
- Wildlife Disease in Scotland
- Salmonellosis, West Nile Virus and Avian Influenza wildlife surveillance
- Garden bird surveillance
- Cardio-respiratory parasites in foxes
Other reports are available on the VLA web site including the Wildlife Disease Reports, published on behalf of Defra and the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). The reports provide a summary of diseases in free-living animals and wildlife that have been investigated by government and non-government agencies, as well as independent workers. These reports can be found here.