TOP STORIES Authorities say rare Ivory Gull at West Point Lake died of lung infection
The rare bird that attracted hundreds of bird lovers to West Point Lake last month died of acute aspergillosis, an infection caused by the growth of a specific type of fungus.
The Ivory Gull, whose habitat is typically in the Arctic area, was spotted at the lake last month and captivated visitors for days before it died.C
. . . Holzman said it was also evident the bird was thin but not emaciated and there were no signs of physical injury, contrary to reports from visitors that the bird had a broken wing. He also reported the doctor conducting the necropsy said the gull's recovery, even if it had been captured, would havebeen unlikely due to the severity of the infection.
10 February 2010
A McCallum
Photo courtesy of Ledger-Enquirer
Location: West Point Lake, Georgia, USA - Map It

No chronic wasting disease cases found in 2009
State officials say chronic wasting disease has not turned up in Michigan since one infected deer was discovered in 2008.
The fatal illness was detected in a white-tailed deer at a private captive breeding farm in Kent County. Authorities responded with mandatory testing of deer killed in nine townships surrounding the farm, and some elsewhere.
Steve Schmitt, veterinarian for the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, said Thursday that 1,134 deer were tested in 2009.
11 February 2010

With temperature in central Florida dipping down again this week, conservationists are bracing for more animal and plant deaths due to unusually long winter cold snaps that have resulted in record wildlife losses.
Manatees have been among the hardest hit, with over 200 killed in January alone, and carcasses continuing to wash ashore.
. . . Dive teams have found the remains of numerous juveniles from fish such as barracudas, grunts, parrotfish and pinfish.
Officials remain cautiously optimistic about endangered sea turtles, which can suffer from "cold-stunning" when water temperatures drop to less than 50 degrees for prolonged periods.
11 February 2010
J Viegas
Photo credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Location: Florida, USA - Map It

ODFW helicopter survey addresses bighorn health

A wildlife helicopter crew employed by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is in the process of capturing bighorn sheep, moose and wolves for health checks and to replace radio collars.
The four- to five-day project being conducted in the northeast corner of Wallowa County will be completed Thursday.
The primary target is the bighorn sheep that are checked every year, said Mike Hansen, wildlife biologist from the Enterprise ODFW District office. The moose have been included in the helicopter surveys the past couple of years, and this is the first year for wolves.
10 February 2010
K Nesbitt
Photo credit: J Ward

USGS and a network of partners across the country work on documenting wildlife mortality events in order to provide timely and accurate information on locations, species and causes of death. This information was updated on February 10, 2010 on the USGS National Wildlife Health Center web page, New and Ongoing Wildlife Mortality Events Nationwide. Quarterly Mortality Reports are also available from this page. These reports go back to 1995.
10 Feb 2010
Area: United States
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