Chronic wasting disease detected in 1st Utah elk
The first case of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in an Utah elk has been confirmed by state wildlife officials.
Lymph nodes from 1,400 animals -- the bulk of them mule deer and elk, but also some moose -- were collected last fall during the hunting seasons.
. . . Five of the mule deer samples came back as positive for CWD, a fatal and transmissible neurological disease. One of the 300 elk samples also came back positive. None of the moose tests showed signs of CWD.
The Salt Lake Tribune -
11 March 2010
B Prettyman
Location: La Sal Mountains, Utah, USA Map It
; Juab County, Utah, USA - Map It 
11 March 2010
B Prettyman
Location: La Sal Mountains, Utah, USA Map It

A desperate attempt to keep endangered Virginia big-eared bats alive in captivity has shown just how difficult that noble task may be.
The effort was prompted by the discovery of White Nose Syndrome, an extremely virulent disease that has killed more than one million bats since 2007, in one of the handful of caves where Virginia big-eared bats live.
Of 40 bats moved to the Smithsonian National Zoo last November, just 11 have survived.
Wired Science -
12 March 2010
B Keim
Photo courtesy of Wired Science
12 March 2010
B Keim
Photo courtesy of Wired Science
International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases
Atlanta, Georgia, USA; 11-14 July 2010

Major subjects to be covered include:
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Bioterrorism and Preparedness
- Foodborne and Waterborne Illnesses
- Global Health
- Molecular Diagnostics and Epidemiology
- Nosocomial Infections
- Socio-economic and Political Factors
- Vectorborne Diseases
- Zoonotic Diseases
Additional information is available at:
- Cancer Kills Many Sea Lions, and Its Cause Remains a Mystery
- Bats face many obstacles
- In the Spotlight: One Health Initiative will unite human and veterinary medicine
- Climate change will impact infectious diseases worldwide, but questions remain as to how
- Earth Hour [Climate Change Movement]
- World Veterinary Day to center on 'One World, One Health'
- Ten Kansas Deer Confirmed Positive in Chronic Wasting Disease Tests
- Unzipping Wildlife Genes: Genetics Revolutionize Conservation Research [USGS press release]
- The Week in Wildlife
- Biologists look for clues to bighorn sheep die-off
- Probable causes of increasing brucellosis in free-ranging elk of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife S cience Center: Final Report on Outreach & Recommendations [full report available] [pdf]
- What Makes a Prion Infectious?
Photo credit: L Robayo/AFP/Getty Images
The week in wildlife [image gallery]
- Starving sea lion pups wash up on Calif. beaches [California, USA - Map It
- Yellow Fever Strikes Monkey Populations in South America [2007-2008 die-off; cited journal article here]
- Suit blames Texas for whooping crane die-off [2008-2009 flock]
- Marten the culprit in Sado's ibis deaths
- Great Lakes fish getting smaller
Birds and Climate Change
- Secretary Salazar Releases New “State of the Birds” Report Showing Climate Change Threatens Hundreds of Species [press release; USA]
- Climate change 'makes birds shrink' in North America [cited journal article here]
Huh, That's Interesting!
It Ain't All Bad News