TOP STORIESGF&P secretary: Killing off bighorns not a serious option
Killing off the disease-plagued bighorn sheep herd in Custer State Park is not a serious option at this point, state Game, Fish & Parks Department Secretary Jeff Vonk said Wednesday. And Vonk doubts it every will be.
... Instead, park managers will continue working with university specialists in bighorns sheep diseases in hopes of finding a treatment for the herd. It has dwindled from about 200 to prior the pneumonia outbreak five years ago to the latest count of 28.
...Pneumonia has been a problems for bighorns in other states, including Montana and Idaho. But only the bighorn herd in Custer State Park has suffered severe losses in South Dakota. Several hundred other sheep live in separate herds in the Black Hills, as well as in the badlands.
03 Mar 2010
K Woster
Photo courtesy of USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
Location: South Dakota, USA - Map It

Chemical causes high contamination levels in Atlantic dolphins
A closed chemical factory on a Brunswick marsh has caused record-high PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) contamination in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins that ate polluted fish, scientists have concluded. The damage tied to LCP Chemicals, including the highest ever recorded in a marine mammal, is refocusing old questions about people's risks of eating contaminated seafood.
In August, scientists examined the health of dolphins in Brunswick and around nearly undeveloped Sapelo Island farther north. They also took tissue samples from animals in both places.
The scientists discovered PCB levels in Sapelo dolphins were more than twice as high as on most of the East Coast, and came from a product called Aroclor 1268 that was used at LCP. The contamination in Brunswick was off the charts.
01 Mar 2010
S Patterson
Location: Georgia, USA - Sapelo Island - Map It

The viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) has been coursing its way through the great lakes water system for years without infecting Lake Superior, but according to a recent announcement by Cornell University researchers, this is no longer the case.
"On a worldwide basis, VHSV is considered one of the most serious pathogens of fish, because it kills so many fish, is not treatable and infects a broad range of fish species," said Paul Bowser, professor of aquatic animal medicine at Cornell's College of Veterinary Medicine.
03 Mar 2010
S Schmidley
Photo courtesy of Statesman
Location: Lake Superior, Minnesota, USA - Map It

[Minnesota] DNR news briefs: Moose population still declining
The results of an aerial survey released by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), indicates that populations of moose continue to decline in northeastern Minnesota.
"Moose are superbly adapted to the cold but intolerant of heat," said Dr. Mark Lenarz, DNR forest wildlife group leader, "and scientists believe that summer temperatures will likely determine the southern limit of this species."
The researchers estimated that there are 5,528 moose in northeastern Minnesota now in 2010. The number is down from last year's estimated, 7,593.
03 Mar 2010
- K-State Wins $12M DHS Grant To Defend Against Animal Borne Diseases
- Cocaine, Spices, Hormones Found in Drinking Water
- Tougher penalties on cards to fight wildlife smugglers
- Plague's Recurrence Around Globe Can Help Colorado State University Scientists, Others Build Models for Predicting Effects on Wildlife [cited special journal issue - Symposium on the Ecology of Plague and Its Effects on Wildlife here]
- Asian carp attack: High stakes in Great Lakes [includes graph with data from 1993-2009]
- Sex hormones tried in fight against lamprey: 2nd year of research offers hope against parasite
Browse complete Digest publication library here.

J Exp Biol. 2010 Mar;213(Pt 6):955-60. [special issue: Survival in a changing world]
RN Sehgal
Tularemia, plague, yersiniosis, and Tyzzer's disease in wild rodents and lagomorphs in Canada: A review
Can Vet J. 2009 Dec;50(12):1251-1256
G Wobeser et la.
Distribution of lesions in red and fallow deer naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis
J Comp Pathol. 2010 Jan;142(1):43-50. Epub 2009 Aug 19.
MP MartÃn-Hernando et al.
Forensic Science in Wildlife Investigations [book review]
Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2010 Feb 23. [Epub ahead of print]
L Wilson-Wilde
Systematic Review of Surveillance Systems for Emerging Zoonoses
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 2010; [Epub ahead of print]
L Vrbova et al.