Wildpro® - An Electronic Encyclopaedia and Library for Wildlife Professionals
Newly made Publicly Available Recently, the Wildlife Information Network (WIN) became part of the Twycross Zoo – East Midland Zoological Society. With their support, WIN was able to make Wildpro®, its electronic library and encyclopaedia collection of information on the health and management of wild animals, freely available to anyone with Internet access.
This multimedia system enables people to access extraordinary amounts of information in a seamless, fast, user-friendly fashion.
Electronic Encyclopaedia

The Wildpro® Electronic Encyclopaedia is being developed in a series of volumes, each of which can be used separately either as a CD-ROM or as a part of the whole encyclopaedia as available on the website.
Examples of individual Wildpro® volumes include:
A Species or Group of Species
- Elephants: Diseases and Treatment
- Waterfowl: Health and Management
A Disease
- Chronic Wasting Disease
- West Nile Virus
A Group of Techniques
- Wildlife: First Aid and Care
- Wildlife: Disease Investigation and Management (Birds)
Electronic Library

This library is a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in wildlife health and management or emerging infectious diseases. It brings together a wealth of information from a wide variety of sources. The documents are directly linked from the main Wildpro® Encyclopaedia where relevant.
Contribute Photos and/or Documents to the Wildpro® Electronic Library
The science behind understanding the health and management of wildlife changes quickly as new research developments are uncovered. It is important to the editors of Wildpro® that the accuracy and quality of collection is maintained at a high standard. Therefore, as you make use of this highly valued resource, consider contacting the Wildpro® team at info@wildlifeinformation.org or Senior Veterinary Editor, Debra Bourne, at dbourne@wildlifeinformation.org if you notice inaccuracies or dated information. In addition, the team welcomes information about recent publications missing from the Library, as well as any relevant photographs users are willing to contribute.