Fish Die-Off - Spain
A fungal species affecting fresh water fish, Saprolegnia, has been pointed out as the cause of death of many fish, particularly Iberian nase (and/or Duero nase), during this spring season [2011] in the Capital City (Leon, province of Castile and Leon), according to sources from Leon University.
The investigation started last April [2011] after the appearance of hundreds of dead fish, most of them Iberian nase in upriver areas of the Bernesga river, near the bridge to the Parador Nacional de San Marcos in Leon.
The Duero River Hydrographic Authority (CHD, Confederacion Hidrogafica del Duero, according to its Spanish initials) requested a study of the Bernesga River water at various points, particularly temperature, oxygen dissolution, oxygen saturation, pH, and conductivity, and the waters complied with safety requirements, as told to EFE by a source from the CHD.
WRI Warns of Threats to Coral Reefs at Capitol Hill Ocean Week
Despite their benefits to national economies, reefs around the world are at risk, including in the United States.
Last Wednesday, WRI participated in Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW), a premier conference held annually in Washington, DC that brings together Members of Congress and Congressional staff, federal, state, and local government institutions, and experts from many different backgrounds to discuss current coastal and ocean issues.
The theme of this year’s event was “American Prosperity and Global Security: Ocean Solutions for the 21st Century.” The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation holds the event each year in conjunction with World Oceans Day, June 8th. This year, the event could not have been timelier. On June 2, President Obama declared June as National Ocean Month, and last week the White House’s National Ocean Council released nine draft action plans to serve as a foundation for implementing the U.S.’s first National Ocean Policy.
13 June 2011
K Reytar
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