Workshop Announcement: EcoHealthNet 2012
Early June, 2012
Madison, WI, USA
The workshop will be jointly hosted by the National Wildlife Health Center, University of Wisconsin, and University of Minnesota. The theme of the EcoHealthNet 2012 Workshop is Epidemiology and Outbreak Investigation. Instructors will include veterinary and medical experts, wildlife biologist, and ecologists.
From the site: "The aim of this workshop will be to introduce students to epidemiological, molecular, and ecological methods for the investigation, monitoring, and response of infectious disease outbreaks.
Outbreaks in wildlife or domestic animals can often precede or coincide with an epidemic of the same disease in people. The detection of such an outbreak in animals can significantly accelerate the discovery of and response to a human epidemic.
Examples include the discovery of West Nile virus in the U.S., as well as multiple Ebola and Rift Valley fever outbreaks.... The workshop students will benefit from top-notch lectures and demonstrations from both the human and wildlife perspectives involved in disease investigation."
Topics will include the following (and more!):
- Outbreak response
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Molecular diagnostics in outbreak response
- Case studies, etc.
There may also be wet labs, such as histopathology, stats (R, EpiInfo, etc), and a tour.
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