November 4, 2011

In the Spotlight - WDIN Announces a Name Change

The Wildlife Disease Information Node (WDIN), publishers of the Wildlife Disease News Digest, recently refocused its purpose statement to “Increase access to information on the health of free-ranging wildlife for decision-makers”. This purpose statement update comes with a new name as well, the Wildlife Data Integration Network.

As knowledge about the health of wildlife comes from many sources and disciplines, our new purpose and name allows us to diversify our applications, focus efforts on data collection and integration tools, and opens collaborations with new partners.

We will continue to publish the Wildlife Disease News Digest to help our readers stay up to date on the latest wildlife disease related news and developments. In the near future, we invite you to look for changes to the Digest and other WDIN applications.

As always, we welcome your comments, especially as WDIN makes its way through this transition.

The WDIN Team