December 2, 2011

In the Spotlight: ProMED-mail Website Gets a New Look!

ProMED-mail home page.
ProMED-mail Website
Same Reliable Service with A Fresh Look and New Features

The ProMED-mail website has a fresh, new look. "Operated by the International Society for Infectious Diseases, ProMED is an Internet-based reporting system dedicated to rapid global dissemination of information on outbreaks of infectious diseases and acute exposures to toxins that affect human health, including those in animals and in plants grown for food or animal feed."

For more information about ProMED visit

Disease reports to ProMED viewed on HealthMap.
Visitors to the new site will find they can continue to access and read the latest reports as well as search past articles. Although upon their arrival, they will also find a few new features too. One significant addition is users can now view these disease reports on HealthMap, an online map application developed at Children’s Hospital Boston.

Like the Digest, ProMED has an email subscription service. “Electronic communications enable ProMED-mail to provide up-to-date and reliable news about threats to human, animal, and food plant health around the world, seven days a week.”

To subscribe go to From here you will find a list of subscription choices, which include the options to limit email messages by location, topic or delivery frequency.

The Digest Team regularly uses ProMED. It is one of the primary news sources we use to procure stories for the Wildlife Disease News Digest. If you are interested in monitoring disease outbreak reports beyond those that involve just wildlife, we highly recommend checking out ProMED.

Source: ProMED-Mail About Us Webpage