Avian Influenza
Reassortment and Mutation of the Avian Influenza Virus Polymerase PA Subunit Overcome Species Barriers
J Virol. 2012 Feb;86(3):1750-7. Epub 2011 Nov 16.
A Mehle et al.
Avian influenza viruses in wild land birds in northern Vietnam
J Wildl Dis. 2012 Jan;48(1):195-200.
TV Thinh et al.
Evaluation of Nobuto filter paper strips for the detection of avian influenza virus antibody in waterfowl
Avian Dis. 2011 Dec;55(4):674-6.
RJ Dusek et al.
Presence of Avian Influenza Viruses in Waterfowl and Wetlands during Summer 2010 in California: Are Resident Birds a Potential Reservoir?
PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(2): e31471. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031471
V Henaux et al.
Eco-Virological Approach for Assessing the Role of Wild Birds in the Spread of Avian Influenza H5N1 along the Central Asian Flyway
PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(2): e30636. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0030636
SH Newman et al.

Lichens: Unexpected anti-prion agents?
Prion. 2012 Jan 1;6(1). [Epub ahead of print]
CM Rodriguez et al.
Chronic wasting disease: Fingerprinting the culprit in risk assessments
Prion. 2012 Jan 1;6(1). [Epub ahead of print]
ML Daus and M Beekes
Salivary prions in sheep and deer
Prion. 2012 Jan 1; 6(1): 52 - 61
G Tamgüney et al.
Prion Uptake in the Gut: Identification of the First Uptake and Replication Sites
PLoS Pathog. 2011; 7(12): e1002449. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002449
P Kujala et al.
Evaluation of a filtration-based method for detecting Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in natural bodies of water
Inter-Research Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 2012; 97(3):185-195. doi:10.3354/dao02423
OJ Hyman and JP Collins
Towards a Better Understanding of the Use of Probiotics for Preventing Chytridiomycosis in Panamanian Golden Frogs
EcoHealth. 2012; [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1007/s10393-012-0743-0
MH Becker et al.
The mosquito Aedes (Aedimorphus) vexans arabiensis as a probable vector bridging the West Nile virus between birds and horses in Barkedji (Ferlo, Senegal)
Med Vet Entomol. 2012 Mar;26(1):106-111. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.00974.x. Epub 2011 Jul 25.
AG Fall et al.
Borrelia garinii and Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica detected in migratory shorebirds in Portugal
European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2012; [Epub ahead of print]
IL de Carvalho et al.
Localized reactive badger culling increases risk of bovine tuberculosis in nearby cattle herds
Biol. Lett. 23 February 2012; (8):50-53. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0554
F Vial and and CA Donnelly
Avian malaria in a remnant population of red-fronted parakeets on Little Barrier Island, New Zealand
New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2011; 38(3): 261-268
L Ortiz-Catedral et al.
Biodiversity and the Feel-Good Factor: Understanding Associations between Self-Reported Human Well-Being and Species Richness
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M Dallimer et al.
Internet data miners strike disease detection gold
Nature Medicine. 2012 Feb 06; 18(185). doi:10.1038/nm0212-185
R Hersher
Journals and Other Publications
The Wildlife Society: The Wildlifer - January 2012
Issue 381
European Journal of Wildlife Research - February 2012
Volume 58, Number 1
Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study: SCWDS Briefs Newsletter - October 2011 [pdf]
Volume 26, Number 4