Possible canine distemper outbreak reported in Weed
The Public Health department is investigating a possible outbreak of canine distemper in foxes around the city of Weed.... Over the past several weeks, members of the community of Weed have reported daytime sightings of several disorientated foxes in various locations throughout the community.
...The California Department of Fish and Game is currently working to determine what may have affected the sick foxes observed in Weed.
Mount Shasta Heald -
31 May 2012
Location: Weeds, California - Map It
Gulf oil spill pollutants found in pelicans migrating to Minnesota
Pollutants from the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago are showing up in Minnesota birds that migrate to the gulf.
Researchers for the state Department of Natural Resources have found evidence of petroleum compounds and the chemical used to clean up the oil in the eggs of pelicans nesting in Minnesota, Minnesota Public Radio reports.
The area is a perfect place to look for oil spill effects. Most of the birds spend winters in the Gulf of Mexico, from Cuba to Texas. Young pelicans spend a full year on the gulf before they start breeding. -
18 May 2012
D Gunderson
Location: Marsh Lake, Minnesota, USA
Blue-green algae release chemical suspected in some amphibian deformities
Retinoic acid levels high in waterways rich in cyanobacteria blooms
Cyanobacteria, also called blue-green algae, could be an underappreciated but widespread source of compounds called retinoic acids in waterways, says environmental toxicologist Jianying Hu of Peking University. Out of 24 kinds of cyanobacteria grown in a lab, 13 produced some kind of retinoic acid or retinoic acid cousin, Hu and her colleagues report online May 29 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Retinoic acids, formed from vitamin A, help sculpt developing body parts in vertebrates. Researchers puzzling over clusters of deformed frogs first highlighted in the 1990s have considered retinoic acids as one of several possible villains.
Science News -
30 Mar 2012
S Milius
Studied massive fish kills in Chacahua
After the discovery of a large number of dead fish in the lagoon complex Chachahua occurred in recent days, various agencies conducted field studies and parameters to determine the causes of this phenomenon.
Overall coordination, agencies and academic institutions specializing in environmental and aquifer concluded that the lack of oxygen caused by the presence of algae caused the type Cochlodinium polykrikoides phenomenon called "Dinoflagenado" main cause of massive fish kills in the nature reserve located in Melchor Ocampo Tututepec.
According to State Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development of Oaxaca, instances were several samples of water and several fish analyzed, concluding that the death was caused by species of algae, mainly damaging larvae and juvenile fish production by mass of mucus and decay in the oxygen concentrations.
Ciudadania Express -
30 May 2012
Location: Chacahua Lagoons National Park, Oaxaca, Mexico - Map It
More Fish Health News
Trade rules must be tightened to halt frog-killing fungus
... Scientists have rushed to understand the disease [chytridiomycosis], and have attempted different ways to mitigate its spread....But science alone is not sufficient. Mark Auliya, a herpetologist and trade-policy expert at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany, says that policies have to change on an international level.
Auliya is part of the European Union (EU) project Risk Assessment of Chytridiomycosis to European Amphibian Biodiversity (RACE), in which teams of scientists are each looking at different aspects of the disease: genetics, physiological and behavioural effects, and geography. RACE will end in 2013 and Auliya is preparing to make a raft of policy recommendations based on the project. He spoke to Nature about the compelling need for new animal-trade legislation.
Nature -
01 Jun 2012
K Sanderson
Photo courtesy of The Guardian feature, Week in Wildlife
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