August 30, 2012

Today's Wildlife Disease News Stories


DNR gets reports of deer disease: Cases found in Calhoun and Roane counties

Wildlife officials in West Virginia are treating cases of several dead deer in Calhoun County as an outbreak of hemorrhagic disease.

Jeff McCrady, wildlife biologist for the Division of Natural Resources, said the samples are being tested, but officials are treating it as an outbreak.

"I think it is probably positive, based on the outward appearance of the deer," McCrady said. "...We are proceeding as if it is."

News and Sentinel -
2012 Aug 29
J Murphy
Location: View EHD cases reported in West Virginia, USA on Wildlife Disease News Map ]

Jakarta Street Monkeys Spreading Disease

Children gather as a trained monkey performs
in east Jakarta. (Photo: Reuters)
For Durjana, panhandling by forcing a long-tailed monkey to perform on the sidewalks of Jakarta and letting it interact with passersby for small change is nothing more than a way to make a living.

This lifestyle has proven to be a risk to both Durjana and the people who walk past him and his monkey. And the welfare of the animal is also in severe danger.

...“Some diseases are not visible on the surface and can be seen only by health tests, and that’s why the Jakarta Animal Aid Network [JAAN] was conducting health checks for the monkeys,” said David van Gennep, executive director of AAP, a Netherlands-based rescue center and sanctuary for primates and other exotic mammals, during a recent visit to Jakarta.

Irrawaddy -
29 Aug 2012
I Lutfia
Location: Jakart, Indonesia

Studying How Diseases Spread in Primates May Help Predict What Diseases Will Emerge in Humans

A new international study has investigated how diseases are shared among species of primates with a view to predicting what diseases may emerge in humans in the future. The findings aim to help in the fight against these diseases by enabling scientists to develop treatments before outbreaks occur.

Science Daily -
27 Aug 2012

Journal Article Cited
N Cooper et al. Phylogenetic host specificity and understanding parasite sharing in primates. 2012; Epub 2012 Aug 23. doi: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01858.x


Animal Surveillance News
West Nile Virus News
One Health News Corner
Huh?! That's Interesting!

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