'Siloed' Agencies Hindered in Efforts to Fight Animal-To-Human Diseases, Analysis Finds
The "siloed" structure of U.S. health agencies is hindering efforts to spot and combat animal-to-human afflictions, such as West Nile Virus, New York University sociologist Colin Jerolmack has concluded after conducting an organizational analysis of their operations.
Even though many newly emerging infectious diseases readily spread from one species to another, Jerolmack found that "agency members interpret certain diseases as 'livestock diseases' or 'wildlife diseases,' and they view categories of animals outside their purview as irrelevant to their institutional prerogatives. Consequently, there is little sense of mutual understanding and common goals -- and thus little coordination -- across these various organizations."
... Jerolmack's interviews revealed several instances in which agencies and departments adopted a siloed, rather than cooperative, approach when faced with zoonoses...
Birds sound the alarm on West Nile Virus: Evolving virulence tracked by samples of virus taken from dead crows and blue jays
West Nile virus appears to be killing more blue jays this year than in the past. (This blue jay tested positive for West Nile.) |
“A red flag was the number of birds dying of West Nile in June,” says Rudy Bueno, the division's director. Hundreds of birds died from the virus soon after it arrived in the United States in 1999, but since 2005, Harris county officials have detected the virus almost exclusively in living birds which they netted, tested and then released back into the wild. Bueno notes that the blue jays, which originally died with West Nile virus in their blood, appeared to have grown immune.
But the trend ended this year. Harris county reported that it had found the virus in 16 dead birds last week alone, more than those found in the entire year for each of the past three years. “Even the blue jays are dying, so something has changed,” Bueno says. “We know that numbers fluctuate, but this year took everybody by surprise.”
Coyote tapeworm that infects dogs, humans spreading to cities
A coyote on a public street in San Francisco. (Janet Kessler/Associated Press) |
Animal health researchers are watching what appears to be mounting evidence of the spread of a potentially dangerous parasite in coyotes, foxes and other animals in Canada.
That's a concern, they suggest, because the parasite, a tapeworm, can on occasion spill over from its wild animal hosts to infect dogs and humans.
And while people aren't the tapeworm's preferred hosts, a growing number of human cases are being seen in Europe and parts of the world where the parasite is more established.
Reported Wildlife Mortality Events to the USGS National Wildlife Health Center Updated
USGS and a network of partners across the country work on documenting wildlife mortality events in order to provide timely and accurate information on locations, species and causes of death.
This information was updated on September 11, 2012 on the USGS National Wildlife Health Center web page, New and Ongoing Wildlife Mortality Events Nationwide.
Quarterly Mortality Reports are also available from this page. These reports go back to 1995.
11 Sep 2012
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A new species of monkey (Cercopithecus lomamiensis), known locally as the lesula. Photograph: Hart JA, Detwiler KM, Gilbert CC/PA |
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