October 29, 2012

Today's Wildlife Disease News Stories


Fish kill in Iowa Great Lakes has Iowa DNR baffled

A fish kill at the Iowa Great Lakes is still a mystery for environmental officials. It's primarily happening on the lower chain of lakes, affecting mostly white and yellow bass.

Mike Hawkins, an Iowa DNR Fisheries Biologist, said preliminary results from samples sent to a lab don't indicate the presence of a virus or bacteria.

...While the fish kill continues, Hawkins says the fatality rate has tapered off from what it was. He doesn't have an exact count on the number of dead fish, but says it's significant.

News 4 - KTIV - www.ktiv.com
25 Oct 2012
K VerMulm
Location: Iowa Great Lakes, Iowa, USA - Map It 

More Fish Die-off News

Radioactive Fish Near Fukushima Suggest Ongoing Contamination

Bottom-dwelling fish continue to be found with high levels of radioactive elements, potentially coming from leaking radioactive water or contaminated sediments

The fish off Fukushima remain radioactive more than a year after the earthquake and subsequent tsunami triggered three meltdowns at the Daiichi nuclear power plant. In fact, bottom-dwelling greenling fish caught in August 2012 bore the highest levels of radioactive particles seen to date—25,000 Becquerels per kilogram. (A becquerel is a unit of the rate of radioactive decay—or radiation emitted by a substance.) That is 250 times higher than current Japanese safety standards, a key reason fishing off Fukushima remains prohibited.

The findings suggest that contaminated water is still leaking from the stricken power plant, the sea bottom itself is now laced with radionuclides, or both. Concentrations in the ocean water itself remain below any human health concern but they do pass into fish that swim through those waters.

Scientific American - www.scientificamerican.com
25 Oct 2012
D Biello
Location: Fukushima, Japan

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease(EHD)News
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) News
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Huh?! That's Interesting!

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