December 12, 2012

12 Days of WHER and the Wildlife Disease Journal Digest

Twelve Days of the Wildlife Health Event Reporter
Day Two: Hark! I Received an Alert from WHER!

As described earlier, the Wildlife Health Event Reporter (WHER) is an online reporting tool that we invite everyone to use to report their sightings of injured, sick and dead wildlife.  It not only accepts your observations of wildlife health events - the system is also a giver!  WHER provides information back to anyone who is interested in viewing the data collected since 2010.

One of the many ways you can keep on top of what has been reported to WHER is through its alerting options.  Currently, you can choose to have reports delivered to you by email or RSS.   Email alerts are delivered daily, but only if reports were made the previous day.  For the more eager audience, RSS subscriptions deliver data to users nearly immediately when a report is made to WHER. 

Alert Options

Now that we have your attention, we're sure you want to know how to sign up so that you can see where wildlife health reports are being made - like what is being reported in your area.  If you want to know about ALL the events reported to WHER, select one of these options:

Are you more selective about what reports you want to receive?  Currently you can limit alerts to a location (at the state or equivalent administrative unit).  Go to this instructional page at and select to receive alerts for only those geographical areas that you are interested.  Zoom to the location, click the green marker, and pick from the options just like above.

What are Your Ideas for Interesting Alerts? 

Once you start receiving WHER alerts, you will probably start dreaming about what other kinds of alerts from WHER would be useful for your needs, such as an alert for a specific species or family of interest, or by the number of animals involved in an event.  We invite you to check out a mock up we've created for expanding the current alerting system.  The major upgrades would include more fine-tuned filters by species, location, or size - as well as deliver alerts via text messages.  Email us your ideas or general feedback on the alerts to us at

Browse complete Digest publication library here.

Pathology in euthermic bats with white nose syndrome suggests a natural manifestation of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
Virulence. 2012 Nov 15; 3(7): [Epub]
CU Meteyer et al.

New viral pathogens from wildlife [no online abstract]
Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg. 2011;166(10-12):399-403
PA Barrow and A Abu-Median

Synanthropy of wild mammals as a determinant of emerging infectious diseases in the Asian-Australasian region
Ecohealth. 2012 Mar;9(1):24-35
R McFarlane et al.

Coronavirus genotype diversity and prevalence of infection in wild carnivores in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Arch Virol. 2012 Dec 5;
KV Goller et al.

West Nile virus associations in wild mammals: a synthesis
Arch Virol. 2012 Dec 2;
J Root J et al.

Serosurveillance for Livestock Pathogens in Free-Ranging Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus)
PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e50600
RA Swift et al. Torres S, Jones K, Johnson CK

Genetic Predictions of Prion Disease Susceptibility in Carnivore Species Based on Variability of the Prion Gene Coding Region
PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(12): e50623. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050623
P Stewart et al.

Molecular Surveillance of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds across the United States: Inferences from the Hemagglutinin Gene
PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(12): e50834. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050834
AJ Piaggio et al.

Epidemiology. Emerging disease or diagnosis? [No online abstract]
Science. 2012 Nov 9;338(6108):750-2. doi: 10.1126/science.1225893.
SK Gire et al.

Seasonal Effects on Great Ape Health: A Case Study of Wild Chimpanzees and Western Gorillas
PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(12): e49805. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049805
S Masi et al.

Detection and identification of Chlamydophila psittaci in asymptomatic parrots in Poland
BMC Veterinary Research. 2012; 8:233 doi:10.1186/1746-6148-8-233
T Piasecki et al.

Emerging Infectious Diseases in 2012: 20 Years after the Institute of Medicine Report
mBio. 2012 Dec 11; 3(6): no. 6 e00494-12. doi: 10.1128/​mBio.00494-12
DM Morens and AS Fauci

A horizon scanning assessment of current and potential future threats to migratory shorebirds
IBIS. 2012 Oct; 154(4):663–679
WJ Sutherland et al.

Digital Surveillance: A Novel Approach to Monitoring the Illegal Wildlife Trade
PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(12): e51156. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051156
AL Sonricker Hansen et al.

UC Davis Veterinary Medicine: California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System Newsletter [pdf]

Courtesy of the Australian Wildlife Health Network (Check out their pretty new website!)

An atypical genotype of Toxoplasma gondii as a cause of mortality in Hector's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori)
Veterinary Parasitology. 2012; [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.11.001
WD Roe et al.

Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization in a Diverse World [New Book - Some Open Access. See chapter 11 on ‘Marine Environment and Public Health’]

Cygnet river virus, a novel orthomyxovirus from ducks, Australia
Emerg Infect Dis. Dec;18(12):2044-6. doi: 10.3201/eid1812.120500
Kessell A, et al.

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