January 4, 2013

Today's Wildlife Disease News Stories


When vultures die, rabies and anthrax are born

The declining population of vultures is causing a significant rise in diseases, such as rabies and anthrax, in countries in this region, including Pakistan and India. The rotting animal carcasses also pollute ground water, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) experts pointed out at a meeting with IUCN member organisation’s national committee.

IUCN Asia’s regional director Aban Marker Kabraji mentioned that the population of vultures in South Asia was around 100 million, 20 yeas ago, but now it has gone down to 20,000. “It is one of the fastest declining bird species in the world,” he said. “It is remarkable specie that provides cleaning services free of charge.”

The Express Tribune - tribune.com.pk
23 Dec 2012

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