February 26, 2013

March of the pathogens and other wildlife disease news stories


The researchers estimated the "fundamental thermal niche" of a parasite,
the area between the lowest and highest temperature in which a specific parasite prospers.
An organism already living at the high end could die out when things heat up.
Parasites lingering at the low end could extend to new areas,
which would expose human and animal populations to new diseases.
(Illustration by Matilda Luk)
March of the pathogens: Parasite metabolism can foretell disease ranges under climate change

Knowing the temperatures that viruses, bacteria, worms and all other parasites need to grow and survive could help determine the future range of infectious diseases under climate change, according to new research.

Princeton University researchers developed a model that can identify the prospects for nearly any disease-causing parasite as the Earth grows warmer, even if little is known about the organism. Their method calculates how the projected temperature change for an area would alter the creature's metabolism and life cycle, the researchers report in the journal Ecology Letters.

News at Princeton - www.princeton.edu
25 Feb 2013
M Kelly

Cited Journal Article

W.Va. fisheries biologists using new methods

... Chris O'Bara, a fish biologist for more than 30 years, has seen what he calls "a dramatic change" in the way he and his colleagues conduct their affairs.

... Advances in medical pathology have helped biologists better understand how disease can affect both wild and hatchery-grown fish populations. "Early on, the only diseases we worried about were those that affected the fish we were growing in our hatcheries," O'Bara said. "We never thought about diseases in wild populations. We figured most fish kills were caused by environmental problems."

That began to change when scientists trained in medical pathology started applying their expertise to fish.
"Now a lot of the people studying fish diseases are 'fish veterinarians.' They're giving us medications and techniques we can use to control disease in our hatcheries and, as a result, stock healthier fish," O'Bara said.

San Francisco Chronicle - www.sfgate.com
25 Feb 2013
J McCoy

    Kentucky counties confirmed: Carter, Christian, Letcher, Warren |
    Kentucky counties suspect: Hart | Pennsylvania county suspect: York.
    Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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