H1N1 discovered in marine mammals
Scientists at the University of California, Davis, detected the H1N1 (2009) virus in free-ranging northern elephant seals off the central California coast a year after the human pandemic began, according to a study published today, May 15, in the journal PLOS ONE. It is the first report of that flu strain in any marine mammal.
“We thought we might find influenza viruses, which have been found before in marine mammals, but we did not expect to find pandemic H1N1,” said lead author Tracey Goldstein, an associate professor with the UC Davis One Health Institute and Wildlife Health Center. “This shows influenza viruses can move among species.”
UC Davis researchers have been studying flu viruses in wild birds and mammals since 2007 as part of the Centers of Excellence in Influenza Research and Surveillance program funded by National Institutes of Health. The goal of this research is to understand how viruses emerge and move among animals and people.
Is virus detected in Asiatic Lion deadly enough?
Int'l wildlife experts express concern, Indian foresters insist it's one of many strains.
In the heat of Gujarat government seeking a review of Supreme Court’s order of translocation of a few Asiatic Lions from Gujarat to Madhya Pradesh, a scientific paper, published in the Journal of Veterinary Science in June 2012, has brought to light, for the first time, that a virus, generally found in domestic livestock, has been spotted in Asiatic Lions in Gir.
The virus called peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) has been detected in frozen pooled tissue samples of a dead Asiatic Lion by a group of seven veterinary scientists from different institutes with help from Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI).
The issue has gained significance now because a wildlife health expert with Britain’s Royal Veterinary College Dr Richard Kock has expressed concern about the findings of this paper and has recently written to Dr YV Jhala of Wildlife Institute of India to investigate the matter.
Badger ammo plant salamanders stay youthful, but have virus
They might be lucky when it comes to staying young, but it appears the now-famous Badger Army Ammunition Plant salamanders are less fortunate when it comes to staying healthy.
Recent tests revealed the amphibians that dwell within old reservoirs at the former weapons plant south of Baraboo have a virus. Researchers have studied the salamanders because of their unusual ability to maintain youthful characteristics
...Considering the recently discovered virus among the population, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources now is trying to determine whether it would be wise to relocate the small amphibians.
“We’re still determining to what extent the virus is present in the salamanders,” said Mark Aquino, a DNR regional director. “It’s nothing new, and it’s not an unknown virus. It really isn’t even related to the fact they have this unusual life history. It’s just a matter of whether it’s OK to relocate them to areas where the virus may not be present.”
What is killing the giant ‘Ocean Sunfish’ off the coast of Chile?
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Giant Ocean Sunfish in Bali, Indonesia Photo credit: Kevin Deacon |
The latest sunfish stranding occurred two days ago (Wednesday May 15) on the beach “El Colorado” of the northern Chilean port of Iquique. The huge marine animal was found on a sector of the beach hit by large waves. Members of conservation organizations, Kaitieki and Sea Shepherd, attended to the site to attempt a rescue or to collect data, according to local media.
The sunfish measured almost 2 meters long by 1.5 meter high and weighed about 800 kilograms. It had no visible wounds or lacerations, and based on the condition of fish, it washed to the shore after dying offshore within the previous two days.
The death of a fish of this species has become a recurrent event on beaches along the Chilean coast. On 24 April, a fish of this species was found dead on the same beach. In January this year, another specimen was found dead near Castro in Chiloé Island, located in the south of Chile. On March 15, another fish of this species was found dead on rockeries of islet “El Alacrán” of Arica, Chile’s northernmost port. And on March 2012, a sunfish stranded on a beach in Dalcahue, also in the Island of Chiloé.
Despite detailed inspections by specialists, the causes of death of these fish are not apparent and remain a mystery. Because of their size, in the range of 300-800 kilos, these fish would be still relatively young.

Spring Brings Flowers and the Dreaded Mosquito: West Nile Virus Hotlines are Open to Receive Dead Bird Reports
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Homepage of the Wildlife Health Event Reporter. The colored pins on the map show where a report was recently made. |
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States with Open Hotlines Reported in the News
West Nile Virus Hotline Open; Report Dead Birds [Illinois, USA]
West Nile virus tracking resumes; public asked to report dead birds online [Washington, USA]
- What is causing hundreds of fish to die? [Buffalo, New York, USA - Map It
- Bobcat dies from porcupine quill injury
- Farne Islands 'puffin census' begins
- Mountain lion study on track
- Health officials warn of bat tested positive for rabies in Los Gatos [California, USA]
- Wildlife Rabies Vaccinations Continue Due to Cases in Neighboring Countries [Estonia, Northern Europe]
- First rabid bat found in Idaho this year; health officials urge caution [Idaho, USA]
One Health News Corner
- One Health Team Combats Animal-to-Human Disease Transmission [The partnership is working, said Kabugo, "and the best is yet to come."]
- 'One Health' paradigm for the future featured in medical school textbook
- Brief Update on Novel Coronavirus [HealthMap - The Disease Daily]
- Microbats link to 'world first' deadly virus death [Two horses euthanased after testing positive to Australian Bat Lyssavirus][Queensland, Australia]
- Earliest-ever detection of West Nile virus puts strain on public funds [Tennessee, USA]
- Saudi health workers sickened by SARS-like virus [The virus got a new name, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)]
- Social factors contribute to emergence of coronavirus
- Doctors Used to Use Live African Frogs As Pregnancy Tests [And they can be carriers of the amphibian chytrid fungus][For more on the chytrid fungus, read this story in National Geographic]
The New York based wildlife rehabilitation organization, Into the Wild Inc., has chosen to focus on the conservation of bats native to New York State, in an effort to combat the negative effects that the White Nose Syndrome (WNS) epidemic is having on native bat populations.
Through their Bat Conservation Project, Into the Wild is educating the public about the benefits of bats to the ecosystem and human health. They are also busy building bat houses to promote healthy bat populations. Read about their conservation efforts here at:
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