Providing Updates on CWD Development across the United StatesWith cooperation from state and federal agencies, universities and other partners, Bryan Richards, the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Project Leader at the USGS National Wildlife Health Center, prepares and distributes the CWD Update Reports. These periodic briefs summarize current CWD events, issues, management efforts and the results of relevant scientific research. They are distributed to interested stakeholders, a diverse community who are involved with the science, management and prevention of this disease.
Back in March 2002, Bruce Morrison, a wildlife biologist with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, took the initiative, with partner support, to write these reports. The result of this effort is a unique collection of over 90 historical reports that provide an overview on the development, spread and management of CWD across the United States.
The NBII Wildlife Disease Information Node has cataloged and tagged these reports. The entire collection can be viewed and searched on our website here. The latest CWD Update can be downloaded here.
- A USGS National Wildlife Health Center Map Highlighting CWD in North America [image]
- Chronic Wasting Disease Update - Report No. 96 [document]
- Chronic Wasting Disease Sampling Collection of Deer and Elk [direct streaming video- 12 MB]
- Learn about Prions in Graphics Rich Video
- Chronic Wasting Disease Update - Report No. 95[document]
- Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance - News and Updates [website]
- Overview of the Prion Theory with Graphic Illustrations [website]
- Carcass Import Restriction Map - Shows Counties that Minnesota cannot Accept Elk, Deer or Moose Carcass From [image]
- Portion of Brain Required for Diagnosing Spongiform Encephalopathy [Image]
- Wisconsin DNR - CWD Status Maps [website]