TOP STORIES Cold and rain kills 600 endangered penguins
Around 600 African penguins, already an endangered species, have perished in a sudden cold snap on a South African island.
The birds died in cold and wet weather over the past two days at Algoa Bay in Eastern Cape province, South Africa National Parks (SanParks) said today.
A spokeswoman for South Africa National Parks said the cold was not unusual at this time of year but had combined with rain and windchill to deadly effect for the penguins on Bird Island.
The Guardian -
16 June 2010
D Smith
Photo credit: N Botha/EPA/Corbis
Location: Algoa Bay, South Africa - Map It
16 June 2010
D Smith
Photo credit: N Botha/EPA/Corbis
Location: Algoa Bay, South Africa - Map It

Possible Outbreak of Avian Botulism in Northern Michigan
Birds are dropping dead along a Northern Michigan shoreline near the Sleeping Bear Dunes, worrying local biologists.
Biologists say they've also found hundreds of dead goby fish, which are believed to carry the botulism toxin.
9&10 News -
16 June 2010
Location: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, USA - Map It
16 June 2010
Location: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, USA - Map It

>>> FULL ARTICLE [includes video]

Dolphins and sharks are showing up in surprisingly shallow water off Florida beaches, like forest animals fleeing a fire. Mullets, crabs, rays and small fish congregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier. Birds covered in oil are crawling deep into marshes, never to be seen again.
Marine scientists studying the effects of the BP disaster are seeing some strange phenomena.
Fish and other wildlife seem to be fleeing the oil out in the Gulf and clustering in cleaner waters along the coast in a trend that some researchers see as a potentially troubling sign.
Google News - [Source: Associated Press]
17 June 2010
J Reeves, J Flesher, T Lush
Photo credit: D Hingle/AP
17 June 2010
J Reeves, J Flesher, T Lush
Photo credit: D Hingle/AP
More Gulf Oil Spill News
>>> eBird Gulf Coast Oil Spill Bird Tracker [mapping gadget]
>>> There’s An App For Rescuing Oil-Soaked Birds
More Gulf Oil Spill News
>>> eBird Gulf Coast Oil Spill Bird Tracker [mapping gadget]
>>> There’s An App For Rescuing Oil-Soaked Birds

USGS and a network of partners across the country work on documenting wildlife mortality events in order to provide timely and accurate information on locations, species and causes of death. This information was updated on June 15, 2010 on the USGS National Wildlife Health Center web page, New and Ongoing Wildlife Mortality Events Nationwide. Quarterly Mortality Reports are also available from this page. These reports go back to 1995.
USGS National Wildlife Health Center
16 June 2010
Area: United States
16 June 2010
Area: United States
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NBII Wildlife Disease Information Node Team
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Photo credit: V Donev/EPA
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