September 24, 2010

In the Spotlight - Call for International News Submissions

You asked for it, and we want to make it happen!

Expanding the geographical coverage of the News Digest

In our recent Digest user satisfaction survey, many of you asked for more international coverage. Broadening the scope of the News Digest has been difficult for two main reasons:
  1. Our current keyword filters are English-based, and
  2. Our news sources are biased toward the English language.
We need your help to extend the geographical coverage of the Digest's wildlife health news. We are asking for the following items:
  • Foreign language translations of disease name keywords,
  • Useful news sources for non-English based news outlets, and
  • Specific news articles with a focus on wildlife disease detection and/or spread.
Go to our brand new International News Digest page for more information on how to make your submissions.

We look forward to your contributions!  Questions may be sent to Cris Marsh, WDIN Content Manager, at