2012 Joint WDA EWDA Conference: Convergence in Wildlife Health
Lyon, France
July 22-27, 2012
From conference website: The 61st International conference of the WDA and the 10th biennial conference of the EWDA will be jointly organized in Lyon, France from Sunday July 22nd through Friday July 27th 2012.
The main topic of the conference will be "convergence in wildlife health". The organizing and scientific committees are aiming at gathering experts in wildlife health from a wide range of experiences and origins.
Encouraging abstract submissions on these themes:
- One Health
- Migration and infectious disease risk
- How to assess the health status of a wildlife animal population
- Weighing costs and benefits of wildlife disease control
- Effects of multiple pollutants on a single host
2012 WDA/EWDA Student Awards Competition
The Wildlife Disease Association (WDA) annually offers four student awards. In addition, the European WDA (EWDA) is offering a student travel award for the 2012 joint meeting! Students are encouraged to compete for the following awards:
1) WDA Graduate Student Research Recognition Award:
This award is given to the student judged to have the best research project in the field of wildlife health or disease.
2) WDA Graduate Student Scholarship Award:
This award acknowledges outstanding academic and research accomplishment, productivity, and future potential in pursuit of new knowledge in wildlife disease or health.
3) WDA Terry Amundson Student Presentation Award:
This award acknowledges outstanding oral presentation of research findings at the annual WDA conference.
4) WDA Student Poster Award:
This award goes to the best student poster detailing a wildlife disease or wildlife health research project presented at the annual WDA conference.
5) EWDA Student Travel Award:
A maximum of four suitable students will be awarded 250 euro each.
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Interested in Other Upcoming Wildlife Disease Related Meetings?
Visit WDIN's searchable Event Calendar. Users can browse month-by-month or search for specific meetings. Click on a meeting title and get information directly from the conference web site.
If you notice that our calendar is missing an important meeting, please email the meeting url to us at digest@wdin.org and we will add it.