January 10, 2012

Today's Wildlife Disease News Stories


New Name, New Web Address!

After January 15, 2012, the WDIN website can be found at www.wdin.org. Be sure to update your bookmarks!

As announced in November on the Digest due to an internal reassessment, WDIN changed is name to the Wildlife Data Integration Network (formally known as the Wildlife Disease Information Node) to reflect our refined purpose, "To increase access to information on the health of free-ranging wildlife for decision-makers".

We will continue to deliver timely products that integrate information and make this information easily available for decision makers and managers. To support this continued effort, we will be updating our website in the near future. A first step towards this virtual renovation will be a new web address http://www.wdin.org.

If you have feedback about this change or other comments about WDIN, you can contact us at wdin@wdin.org. As always, we welcome your suggestions.

Reported Wildlife Mortality Events to the USGS National Wildlife Health Center Updated

USGS and a network of partners across the country work on documenting wildlife mortality events in order to provide timely and accurate information on locations, species and causes of death.

This information was updated on January 09, 2012 on the USGS National Wildlife Health Center web page, New and Ongoing Wildlife Mortality Events Nationwide.

Quarterly Mortality Reports are also available from this page. These reports go back to 1995.

USGS National Wildlife Health Center
09 Jan 2012

Avian Influenza News
Huh?! That' Interesting!