White-nose Syndrome Spreads In KentuckyThe Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources has detected white-nose syndrome in bats at three Breckinridge County caves.
Three common species – the Northern long-eared, tri-colored and little brown bat – have tested positive for white-nosed syndrome, a disease of hibernating bats caused by the fungus Geomyces destructans.
The caves, located northeast of Hardinsburg, are within a 20-mile radius of each other. The caves are privately owned and not open to the public.
Confirmation of the disease was recently made by personnel at the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study in Athens, Georgia.
Biologists are still assessing caves within the area to determine the extent of the infection.
07 Feb 2012
Location:Hardinsburg, Kentucky, USA - Map It

Domestic Cats, and Wild Bobcats and Pumas, Living in Same Area Have Same Diseases
Domestic cats, wild bobcats and pumas that live in the same area share the same diseases. And domestic cats may bring them into human homes, according to results of a study of what happens when big and small cats cross paths.
...It provides evidence that domestic cats and wild cats that share the same outdoor areas in urban environments also can share diseases such as Bartonellosis and Toxoplasmosis. Both can be spread from cats to people.
"Human-wildlife interactions will continue to increase as human populations expand," said Sam Scheiner, program director for EEID at NSF.
Game agency reports 100 dead pigeons in SD town
The South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Department is investigating about 100 suspicious deaths in downtown Rapid City — and the victims are all pigeons
John Kanta, regional wildlife manager for the department, said Friday that dozens of bird corpses have been recovered since Thursday afternoon. The deaths are mysterious enough that biological samples — translation: dead birds — have been flown to a lab in Madison, Wis., in hopes of determining the cause.
"We're hoping to have an answer early next week," he told The Associated Press.
The birds might have been sickened by moldy grain or bacterial infection, but Kanta suspects they may have been poisoned.
03 Feb 2012
Location: Rapid City, South Dakota, USA - Map It

Dead birds found on Jax Beach: Officials say deaths are migration-related
Dead birds have been popping up along the coastline from Jacksonville Beach to nearby northern St. Johns County, and some people are wondering why.
Wildlife officials say it's a "common occurance," but it has some beachgoers concerned.
It appears different types of birds are washing ashore, like two birds that were found about 30 feet from each other Tuesday, but wildlife officials say not to panic because it's likely from natural causes.
In response to the reports, the FWC released a statement saying, "It is believed the deaths are migration-related, as some of these immature birds cannot handle the stress of the long migration from the northern Atlantic."
- Mange Could Have Caused Boulder Coyote Attack: Necropsies Completed On Two Coyotes In Attacks [Boulder, Colorado, USA - Map It
- Rabies case found in Ukiah [The bat is the first animal to test positive since 2008. Most rabies cases in California occur in skunks and bats][California, USA - Map It
- Bill aims to boost wildlife veterinary care [The Wildlife Veterinarians Employment and Training (VET) Act will provide grants to institutions to expand the education and training of veterinarians in wildlife and zoological medicine.]
- Rescuers brace for more dolphin strandings on Outer Cape [Massachusetts, USA]
- Massachusetts stranded-dolphin death toll up to 92 [Necropsies performed. Blood and microbial swab samples have been taken from some that were found alive, but so far no pattern of disease or trauma has been found that would point to a cause] [Massachusetts, USA]
- Concern grows over deer die-off [EHD][Michigan, USA]
- CWD testing continues for DNR [Michigan, USA]
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